Achieving their recovery goals
Compass Health Services offers Adult Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program services for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. We support individuals in achieving their identified life goals and tools to live well. When it comes to adults, this age group often overlooks their own mental health, but accumulating stress be it physical or psychological can make them vulnerable to disease. Promoting mental health awareness is vital to everyone so they can go to a professional and get the appropriate help they need.
We provide family-focused, individualized services based on individual interests, goals, and needs.
We offer:
Assistance with addressing entitlements
We connect persons to confidential, professional assistance to help with personal, family, and work issues. We can help ease the stigma of mental health by making it easy and affordable for employees to seek help from qualified professionals.
Assistance with obtaining gainful employment
We assist individuals who have a history of mental illness obtain and retain employment. Our supported employment approach to vocational rehabilitation for people with serious mental illnesses emphasizes helping them obtain gainful employment. We will help people with mental illnesses discover paths of self-sufficiency and recovery.
Life Skills Training and assistance
We are here to assist you with setting goals that realistically support persons with mental health issues in developing and increasing their independent living skills. Personal skills are what we need to help maintain a healthy body and mind. Helping those experiencing mental illnesses acquire life skills can help them move on and live as autonomously as possible.
Adult PRP Self-Care Training
Our program focuses on self-care training, social skills training, independent living and community living skills, and illness management training. A Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program self-care plan can help you enhance your health and well-being, manage your stress, and maintain professionalism as a worker with young people. Self-care activities can range from physical activities such as exercising and eating healthy, reading a book, or practicing.
Adult PRP Illness Management Skills Training
Learning how to manage their mental illness and improve the quality of their lives requires professional help. Illness Management Skills Training is about developing skills for reducing relapses, dealing with stress, and coping with symptoms. We introduce people to the basic principles and skills they need to deliver effective management of their illness.
Adult PRP Social Skills Training
Social skills training is used to improve social skills in people with mental disorders or developmental disabilities. Addressing social deficits in persons with mental illness is an essential component of any treatment process. Our Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program includes interventions and instructional methods that help an individual improve and understand social behavior.
Adult PRP Independent Living & Community Living Skills Training
Someone with mental health problems often needs to learn the ability to take care of oneself in terms of living, diet, health habits, proper household management, money and time management, and access to community facilities. We will provide customized yet effective independent living skills training for the individual.
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We encourage families and loved ones by supporting them through our programs where possible. Contact us now.